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Kode Buku : 00646
Call Number : 398 RIY r
Jumlah : 1
Sisa : 1
Judul Buku : The Story of Roro Mendut and Pronocitro
Judul Asli :
Kategori : Cerita Rakyat
Kota Terbit : Jogyakarta
Penerbit : 000024 Pustaka Pelajar
ISBN : 9786028055574
Tahun Trebit : 2008
Desk Fisik : 68hlm.;ilus.
Ciri Lain :
Dimensi : 20cm.
Bibliografi :
Bahasa : Inggris
Anak Judul :
Pengarang : Slamet Riyanto
Edisi :
Seri :
Catatan :
Format : Buku
Jenis :
Ringkasan : This story is one of the stories that is told from one generation to generation. This story belongs to the people. They still talk about the story from day to day. They talk the story because they believe that the story has valuable teaching and wisdom. They have their own version of the story